Stolen from here: Six Until Me
1. Can you cook? If yes, do you like to cook?
I can cook, yes. I like cooking hamburgers/cheeseburgers, pastas, rice, vegetables, steaks. I also like making cookies and cakes, but I tend to make those out of the box, so I'm not sure if that counts as cooking or not.
2. When do you eat with your whole family?
Usually on holidays or other special occasions. My Dad living in New Hampshire ensures we don't eat together much.
3. What do you eat for breakfast?
Weekdays; bagels with butter or peanut butter on top, with some fruit or a Fiber One bar added to it, with some type of juice to go with it.
4. When, where and how do you eat on weekdays?
Weekdays I mostly eat food from home. Breakfast is anything I can scrape together at home as I'm rushing out the door. I used to eat at Starbucks as well every morning but monetary and weight concerns have largely made me stop doing that. Lunch is usually a sandwich, frozen food or leftovers from the night previous with either a Fiber One bar, a piece of fruit or some pudding and water to go with it.
Dinner...I used to eat out a lot more than I have been recently, again, thanks to monetary concerns, but if I don't feel like making anything at home, I'll grab something on the way home.
5. How often do you eat out (in a restaurant)?
I haven't eaten out in a restaurant in awhile, save for this past Thursday. It used to be at least three times a week, but it's gone down quite a bit.
6. How often do you order delivery/take-out?
Depends on how much money I have at the time.
7. Regarding no. 5 and 6: Say there weren’t financial reasons would you do this more often?
Definitely. I love take out/restaurant food.
8. Are there any “standard dishes” you serve regularly?
9. Have you ever cooked for more than 6 persons?
10. Do you cook every day?
Nope. Most of the time, I am too lazy/tired to bother, so I subsist on frozen foods, pastas and sandwiches. Mostly things I can make in the microwave or in under 20 minutes.
11. Have you ever tried recipes from blogs?
No, but I think I will, once I get more cookware.
12. Who cooks more frequently at your home?
I'm really the only one who cooks at my house, except on weekends when my Mom will make omelettes and chili.
13. And who cooks better?
We're kind of tied. I make amazing steaks and burgers and she makes out of this world chili.
14. Do you cook totally different compared to your mother/parents?
Not really.
15. If yes, do you nevertheless eat at your parents?
I guess this is N/A, now.
16. Are you a vegetarian or could you imagine being one?
I'm not and I don't think I could imagine being one, since I love meat way too much. Pork fried rice is one of my favorite foods, and fried chicken...and I'm just making myself hungry.
17. What would you like to cook which you haven’t dared to make yet?
I would love to try baking bread or making sushi. I think of the two, I would mess up the sushi first.
18. Do you prefer cooking or baking?
I usually do more cooking than anything else, but if I had more time/wasn't so lazy, I think I would be baking more.
19. What is your greatest misery in the kitchen?
I was going to say 'The clean up', but I actually don't mind cleaning, so I guess it would be when the food doesn't turn out the way I wanted it to.
20. What do you dislike?
Brussels sprouts, Lima beans, spicy tuna rolls.
Food Quote: "You don’t have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces – just good food from fresh ingredients." —-Julia Child
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